• (079) 25855402
  • jayman_arti@yahoo.co.in

Product Detail

Super Plasticizer (Admixture)

Super Plasticizer (Admixture)


Superplasticizers are Chemical Admixtures that can be added to concrete mixtures to improve workability. The Strength of concerete is inversely proportional to the amount of water added or water cement (w/c.) ratio. In order to produce stronger concrete, less water is added which makes the concrete mixture very unworkable and difficult to mix, necessitating the use of superplasticizers for providing improvement in workability..

Technical Data

Appearance Dark Brown Coloured Aqueous Liquid
SP. Gravity 1.2
PH 7.5
Chloride Contents Traces
Dosages 0.5 to 2 % by weight of cement
Method Of Use Add Recommended Quantity Of super Plasticizer with Water.
Chemical Nature Organic - In Organic Complex


Ready mix industries
R.C.C. Structure & Lining
Control to Slump loss
Delay in Concrete Transportation
Pumping Concrete
High-Strength Concrete
Concreting in Hot Climate
Fiber-Reinforced Concrete

Read And Direction

Reference Standard : IS 9103 & ASTM - C494 Type G
Reduce Cracking & Permeability in Hardened Concrete
Reduce Segretion & Bleeding in Plastic Concrete
Reduce Water Consumption upto 20%
Increase Compressive strength
Dosage of super plasticizers can increased upto 2% at extremely hot whatever condition
Adding an excessive amount of Superplasticizer will result in excessive segregation of concrete
Adding an excessive amount of Superplasticizer will result in excessive segregation of concrete and is not advisable &also that too much superplasticizer will result in a retarding effect.
Store in Room Temperature
Safe life 12 months from Mfg. Date.
Call ixxona for Demonstrations & Performance monitoring.
Packing Details : 50 Kg., 100 Kg. & 200 Kg. H.D.P.E. Carbouys.