• (079) 25855402
  • jayman_arti@yahoo.co.in

Product Detail

Curing Compound

Curing Compound


Curing compound is designed primarily to keep the concrete moist by preventing the loss of moisture from the concrete during the in which it is gaining strength. As a rule it is always applied on the constructed surface which prevents waters loss from the matrices because a thin but strong imperial adhering film formed on the surface, more over the contents of curing compound provide & sufficient white to reflect. The ambient heat & light keep surface reasonable cool.

Technical Data

Appearance A mobile white viscous Mass
Sp.Gravity 1.02
Ph > 7.5
Solubility in water Miscible with water in all Proportions
Compatibility Quite compatible with all Ingredient of cement
Sunlight Index Of Reflection >60
Coverage 3.25 to 3.5 m2 /lt, 14.00 m2 /15.00 m2 /gallon

Read And Direction

Always apply curing compound after the concrete has received its final finish (1-3 hours after concrete placement) and the water sheen has disappeared from the surface. Pinholes in the curing compound film will occur if applied when there is still standing water on concrete surface.
Curing compound should be stirred or agitated as needed prior to use.
Eexxon curing compound should be sprayed on uniform surface as soon as the water sheen disappear but while the surface is still moist to ensure adequate performance (i.e. 1-3 hr after concrete placement) curing compound should be stirred or agitated as needed prior at use.
Use a 3 holes or equivalent spray nozzle that produces a flow of 1/2 gal. (1.89 l) per minute under 40 psi (.276 mpa) of pressure.
Apply the Eexxon curing compound in two applications at of the precast product. Application of the coats in two direction (i.e. vertically and horizontally) which helps to ensure full coverage. During curing concrete products should also be protected from impact, loading, vibration and other mechanical disturbance.
Use Eexxon brand. Sprayer for uniform covering.
The use of curing compound will not prevent formation of early age thermal cracking.
Concrete surface’s moisture loss is less than 0.55 kg/m2
Eexxon curing compound can be applied by hand spray, power spray, brunch, or roller, the types of applied method can not effect in efficiency of curing of concrete.
Safe life: one year from date of mfg.
Call us when use curing compound above 43 C
Call us for test method of determine efficiency of curing compound
Store in Room Temperature
Safe Life 6 Months
Ref. STD : ASTM C 309 & C 394